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AnalytikJena SOG-1 & SOG-2 Stable Ozone Generators

  • AnalytikJena Stable Ozone Generator

AJ 97-0066-01
11.00 LBS
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Product Description

AnalytikJena's Stable Ozone Generators utilize the photochemical reaction of oxygen under shortwave (185nm) UV to produce a continuous flow of ozone.  A high stability power supply provides reliable and stable power to the UV lamps to ensure uniform ozone generation.  


  • Instrument development
  • Oxidant testing
  • Materials aging
  • Water purification
  • Air pollution studies
  • Caution:  Ozone Generators should NOT be used for indoor decontamination or deodorizing: 

    • For most indoor contaminants, the reaction process with ozone is very slow - tyically requiring weeks, months or years (Boeniger, 1995).
    • Ozone generators are ineffective in removing carbon monoxide (Salls, 1927; Shaughnessy et al., 1994)
    • Ozone generators are ineffective in removing formaldehyde (Esswein and Boeniger, 1994).
    • Ozone reaction with many contaminants will create a variety of harmful or irritating by-products (Weschler et al., 1992a, 1992b, 1996; Zhang and Lioy, 1994).
    • Ozone does not remove particles (e.g., dust, pollen, dander, other allergens) from the air.


  • The stable ozone generator utilizes the photochemical reaction of oxygen under shortwave (185nm) UV to produce a continuous flow of ozone,
  • Adjustable by user to reduce the amount of ozone produced at any given flow rate,