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Peristaltic Pump Dispensers

Peristaltic Pump Dispensers have been an industry standard device for dispensing large volumes of laboratory media: they are capable of dispensing fluid continuously from a reservoir into any number of receptacles.  The primary advantage of Peristaltic Pump Dispensers is that the only contact the pumped fluid must have during delivery is with the tubing in which it is being transported, which ensures the highest degrees of sterility and precludes virtually any possibility of chemical cross-contamination. 

With correct selection of tubing, a Peristaltic Pump Dispenser can be used for a wide range of viscosities and even with gritty fluids. The precision of size and flexibility, material quality and, ultimately, the limited lifetime of any tubing must be closely monitored in order to withstand hundreds of thousands of compressions without losing integrity.  Variations in the tubing reduces precision of Peristaltic Pump Dispensers.  Therefore, it is highly recommended that only the listed Jencons silicon or Santoprene tubing be use with these units. 

Aftermarket tubing in a peristaltic pump may rupture unexpectedly— many pumps include shielding to help contain the ruptured fluids, but a rupture can ruin a carefully-timed lab procedure and/or damage the inner workings of the pump itself.

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